Cigna Individual Health Plans
Cigna individual plans are offered in most Metro Atlanta counties and certain areas throughout the rest of Georgia.
Kaiser Permanente Health Plans
Kaiser Permanente Individual plans offer great affordable health coverage options for yourself, as well as your family.
NOTE: the PDF at the top of the page denotes all coverage options per county within Georgia.
Anthem BCBS Health Plans
Anthem BCBS individual plans are offered in most Metro Atlanta counties and certain areas throughout the rest of Georgia.
NOTE: The PDF at the top of the page denotes all coverage options per county within Georgia.
Cigna + Oscar
Cigna + Oscar individual plans are offered in most Metro Atlanta counties and certain areas throughout the rest of Georgia.
Healthiest You by Teladoc
Healthiest You is NOT an insurance plan, but 24/7 access to licensed providers via smart phone.
Healthiest You telemedicine makes it easier and more convenient for you to stay healthy and engaged in your health care. You’ve got 24/7 access to a provider via your smart phone – anytime, anywhere. No pre-existing conditions limitations or waiting periods.