We are in the midst of Open Enrollment season, and we want you to be best prepared for a smooth enrollment process. Take a look at this checklist for ideas to make your enrollment period easier for you and your employees.
- Hold meetings with employees to review coverage options and changes, and offer one-on-one meetings for personal inquiries.
- Provide summaries of benefits changes to your employees that include an open enrollment schedule, current coverage summary and plan-specific coverage and rate changes.
- Share provider phone numbers and contacts with employees, and if provided, share benefits handouts with in-depth details on coverage.
- Be prepared to answer frequently asked questions that your employees have brought up in previous years.
- Communicate often throughout the open enrollment period by answering employee questions and sending reminders about enrollment deadlines.
- Once enrollment closes, make sure all employees have submitted the correct forms and elections and that all information is accurate.
- Ensure that you are in compliance with health care reform provisions that affect your plan and employees.
- Check that employees received their ID cards.
Pender & Associates is committed to guiding you through the open enrollment process and making it as simple as possible, so please reach out to us with any questions.